Home Education

Being able to craft clothing, tools and equipment are skills that are not taught in the normal curriculum much anymore, however this would of been a daily task for our ancestors and these skills would have been taught from an early age. Spinning and weaving wool requires patients, tending the ground and growing crops taught respect for your food, maintaining your tools and repairing your equipment were vital skills as it was not as easy to buy a replacement from the local merchant as we have grown accustomed to today.

We provide educational talks with a hands on approach. We are able to show people what tools were used during the viking period, talk about the resourcefulness of their character. After handling tools and learning about craft methods, the children have a greater appreciation for the luxuries we have today.

It was not all work for children, they would still of had time for exercise and play. The skills and games all had a purpose though as many board games involved strategy and problem solving simple games such as throwing a stick through a ring taught accuracy for hunting. At a young age children would train with weapons and shield to defend themselves and their families if the time came. This provided a good discipline, encouraged communication skills, good team working and a growth in confidence. All of these were important lessons for all young warriors to learn to help them throughout their lives.